Welcome to another Art Appreciation Monday!
This week's artist, whom I came across accidentally, but as Bob Ross would say, "It's a happy little accident."
And coming across Maya Kern was a very, very happy accident!
I am incredibly excited to feature her and her marvelous artwork and illustrations this week!
Although this was not the first illustration I saw by Maya Kern, I loved this one and I have to say, this one is my new favorite. Because it looks like a snow-globe, and it makes me think of winter, the cold silent days when you feel like you're all alone in the world. This picture is incredibly en-deering. :)
Ariana: What's your name?
Maya: Maya Kern
Ariana: What Country/Planet/State are you from?
Maya: I’m originally from Texas, currently living in Minnesota!
Ariana: Do you have brothers/sisters/only child?
Maya: I have two older brothers.
Ariana: Do you have any pets?
Maya: I have an adorable tabby-calico mix named Ophelia.
Ariana: What is your favourite colour?
Maya: Depends on my mood!
Ariana: Favourite movie?
Maya: Paprika
Ariana: Favourite song?
Maya: I like too much music to ever be able to choose.
Ariana: Favourite book?
Maya: Sunshine by Robin McKinley or the Abhorsen books by Garth Nix
Ariana: Currently reading?
Maya: Currently, I am avidly awaiting the release of Clariel next month.
Ariana: Guilty pleasures? (special shirt, chocolates, coffee, tv show marathon, etc.)
Maya: Toddlers in Tiaras, Top Model, Dance Moms, stuff like that.
Ariana: Talking about munchies... do you have a favourite food/drink?
Maya: It depends on my mood! But I always love a really good sandwich, especially if it has avocado on it.
Ariana: Birthday?
Maya: March 28th.
This one is so cute, Maya Kern does an amazing job with couples, always seeing the beauty of love and adding it to the atmosphere of her artwork! ♥ I really liked this one, and while Maya Kern has created so many beautiful and adorable pictures of couples, I think it was the yellow daisies, and how pink this couples cheeks are that really appeals to me!
Ariana: What inspires you most to create such amazing and adorable digital masterpieces?
Maya: I’ve always wanted to make things. For my personal work and my comics, I’m always driven by the desire to create. For my freelance work I am inspired by the desire to pay my bills.
Ariana: How long does it take you to create a masterpiece, start to finish?
Maya: It depends. A comic strip can take 1-5 hours, a full page 4-12 hours, an illustration typically takes 3-7 hours, a 22 page comic takes months.
Ariana: How do you cope with lack of inspiration?
Maya: I remember that I need to pay rent.
Ariana: Are you open to commissions on your art?
Maya: Yes, actually! I just opened commissions recently.
Ariana: What program are you currently using to create your artwork?
Maya: Photoshop.
Ariana: Is the program your using fairly easy to use, would you recommend it to other artists out there?
Maya: It is what it is. There is definitely a learning curve with Photoshop, but that’s true of any medium, digital or otherwise. I’d recommend it because it is industry standard, but honestly whatever works for you is fine. Create in whatever medium works for you.
Ariana: What materials do you use to create your traditional art?
Maya: I have a bunch of Copic markers I bought like eight years ago and I use those alone with Tombows, colored pencils, watercolor, gel pen, my pentel pocket brush, and anything else I can get my hands on to do my sketchbook work.
Ariana: Of all your artwork so far, is there one piece that sticks out to you- as a favorite?
Maya: I’m really fond of my short comics, especially Redden and How to Be a Mermaid. They were such long projects and such a lot of work I can’t help but feel proud of myself.
Ariana: What would you suggest for someone who is just beginning with digital art, or art in general?
Maya: Don’t give up. Practice a lot. Stay hungry, keep consuming, keep experimenting. It’s fine to use tutorials and take tips from other artists, but never forget that ultimately you need to bend those practices to suit you. Don’t take those tips as a one size fits all; what works for them won’t 100% work for you.
Ariana: Are there any blogs, or books that you would recommend to other artists out there?
Maya: I always recommend Scott McCloud’s “Making Comics” to anyone interested in making comics. “Perspective! For Comic Book Artists” and “Framed Ink” are also great. And I am always a fan of James Gurney’s “Light and Color,” which taught me more about painting than any class I’ve ever taken.
Ariana: What is something that you haven't done in the world of art yet, but really want to someday?
Maya: Some day I really want to use a laser cutter. They create the most beautifully intricate cut paper work I’ve ever seen.
Ariana: What is your favorite thing to paint/draw?
Maya: My favorite thing to draw is always cute girls.
Ariana: How would you describe your painting/drawing style?
Maya: Round, bright, colorful.
Ariana: I love how adorable your people come out, how do you keep your characters consistent and still looking adorable?
Maya: I draw based a lot on shapes, rounder shapes tend to have a softer/cuter look to them, maybe that is how?
Ariana: When did you decide you wanted to be an artist?
Maya: I’ve been drawing ever since I could hold a pencil and I think everyone always assumed I would do art, but I didn’t actually consciously decide to go into art until junior year of high school.
Ariana: Do you have any interests outside of art?
Maya: Yes! I love singing and writing music.
♥ (You can listen to Maya's music here!) ♥
Ariana: How do you wind down after a day of drawing?
Maya: I usually end by curling up in bed with my cat.
Ariana: What are you currently working on at the moment?
Maya: Right now I am working on my webcomic, Monster Pop!, and also on some freelance things. I’m also currently writing a second comic, Blood Anchor, tho that’s a ways off from creation.
Ariana: What would your advice to other artists be?
Maya: Never forget that your taste evolves ahead of your skill set. We evolve with lots of work that results in sudden bursts of inspiration, which then level off into a plateau before we improve again. When you become unsatisfied with your work, it’s a sign that your taste is evolving. Being able to see problems with your own work is the first step to being able to improve it. Don’t get discouraged. Stay hungry. Keep working.
I love how diverse Maya's drawings, comics and illustrations are. She has a great range of characters that are adorable, beautiful, charming, sweet and unique! Here you can get a glimpse of how skillful she is with creating each character as a separate and special individual.
The first piece of artwork I ever saw by Maya Kern, was Seasonal Fashion, and I have to say I instantly adored her artwork! ♥ Because of her charming drawing style, wit and hilarity!
If you love Maya Kern's work, follow her on:
Support Maya, and purchase her awesome artwork through,
Also, don't forget to go and listen to Maya sing,
And you can visit her website too, here!
I want to thank Maya Kern, so very, very much for agreeing to participate in Art Appreciation Monday! I am so honored when artists agree to answer questions and be highlighted on my blog! It means so much to me, and I hope, inspires new and seasoned artists alike. I have truly been inspired by the artists featured on here, and I have been again inspired by you.
Thank you for joining us! :)
*****All the artwork/pictures/videos/music belongs to Maya Kern!!!!
There are links in blue which will direct you to
the originals.**********
If you wish to contact Maya Kern please click here.
Not to mention she deserves many more followers so go follow her here.