~ Hello ~
Who am I: My name is Ariana Pedigo, and whether you are a frequent visitor of my blog, or maybe someone new, I'd like to welcome you! Optimistic Octopus is a blog which I post my artwork, thoughts, reviews and anything I find interesting and I am always happy to share what makes me happy with others. ☺
Some Things You Can Expect to Find on My Blog: I love to act, cook, draw, paint, read, write, play violin, and go adventuring, so those are just a few things...
I also love good music, fashion ideas, crafts, I'll try to share only the most interesting things. ☺
My Current Occupation: I am currently a student, but I will do artwork and write articles on demand.
What Genres do I Write: Why limit myself, I'd really like to try as many different genres as I can.
To limit myself would handicap me to only see black and white...why do that...there are rainbows in the sky!
How to Contact Me: Through GoodReads , Twitter, Deviant Art, Tumblr, or via "Contact Me" widget on the side of the page. ☺
Though please understand, I do not check my e-mails every day, therefore, if I do not answer right away I am not ignoring you. ☺
Although, if it takes me a year to reply...you might want to try e-mailing me again. ☺