Monday, March 31, 2014

♦ Art Appreciation Monday ♦

Welcome to another Art Appreciation Monday! 
Very sorry there was no Art Appreciation Monday last Monday...I was not at home... :\

Anyway, I would like to introduce our first photographer, not only is he amazingly talented with a good eye for astounding pictures, he is also a wonderful person and a good friend of mine.

Introducing...****Drum-roll!!!!!****Thomas Bachmann of Kid with a Camera!!!!!!

A personal favourite of mine by Thomas, is Day 350 which is appropriately named: Reflections

In Thomas Bachmann's "Reflections", you can see so much of the serene beauty of Switzerland, with the blue hues of the majestic mountains in the background, and the light pinks and white in the sky, all reflected in the mirror of the water, it makes a truly delightful picture. Almost makes you mournful that you aren't in Switzerland.

Ariana: What's your name? 
Thomas: Thomas Bachamnn

Ariana: Are you human/boy/girl?
Thomas:  Boy.

Ariana: What Country/Planet/State are you from? 
Thomas: Switzerland, Earth, and Zürich

Ariana: Do you have brothers/sisters/only child?
Thomas: Three brothers and one sister....I'm the youngest!

Ariana: Do you have any pets?
Thomas: A pony and an Appenzeler dog! 

Ariana: Birthday? 
Thomas: 5.8.-- For Americans it would be the 8/5/--

I asked Thomas Bachmann for some of his favourite pictures and one of his favourites was 
Day 363 it is easy to see why!

With this picture, although it is bare and beautiful, the simplicity makes a beautiful statement. Thomas can capture pictures which can breath fresh life into that which has long since faded, and somehow he can capture the beautiful essence of bleakness and the passage of time.

Ariana: What inspires you most to take pictures?
Thomas:  Sunlight and good weather!  

Ariana: What kind of Camera do you use?
Thomas: I use a Nikon J3 with 2 different lenses, one for normal shots and another for macro or long distances.

Ariana: How do you feel now that you've accomplished a blog with 365 pictures? That is absolutely incredible! (View last year's Kid with a Camera blog)
Thomas: I'm amazed myself that I actually did the whole thing, I've heard of plenty of people who have tried but not carried through.

Ariana: What do you most want to take a picture of?
Thomas: The valleys and lakes in Norway or Sweden.

Ariana: How do you cope with lack of inspiration? (Coffee, caffeine pellets, candy, music...etc.) 
Thomas: Definitely candy, if I have some.

Ariana: Talking about munchies... do you have a favourite food/drink? 
Thomas: It's a Swiss drink that you have probably never heard of, Rivella.

Ariana: Do you have a favourite thing to photograph, landscape, portrait, etc? 
Thomas: Overall landscapes, but I do get pictures of my brother for his book, but landscapes don't talk back.

(Small note: Thomas Bachmann's brother is Stefan Bachmann author of The Peculiar, oftentimes you can see glimpses of the Peculiar in Thomas's work, you just have to be persistent and visit his blog...EVERYDAY!) 

Ariana: When did you decide you wanted to be a photographer?   
Thomas: About a year ago.

Ariana: Do you have any interests outside of photography?               
Thomas: The mains ones are Legos, archery, and airsoft.

Ariana: How do you wind down after taking some of those breathtaking pictures?
Thomas: I wind down while I get the pictures, it's rather relaxing for me.

Ariana: What would your advice to other artists/photographers be?
 Thomas: Keep moving forward and experientia docet (experience is the best teacher)! 

Another thing about Thomas Bachmann is his ability to capture surreal pictures that don't look real.
For example- Day 333

Just look at how blue the sky is above the mountains, and how the clouds are almost blended into the mountains like shadowy ghosts! 

This picture has been likened to something that looks like it's something from the BBC show Sherlock, prepare yourself for- Day 299

With the white colours and the brown of the birds and the trees, the picture at first is rather bleak and is void of colour. Nevertheless, it delivers to its audience a wonderful, breathtaking beauty. It will surely glide into someone's heart. :) 

As always I must thank Thomas Bachmann so very, very much for agreeing to be part of my "Art Appreciation Monday!"
I am so amazed that so many artists have agreed to allow me to post some of their great artwork, photographs and written work on my blog, I hope to give them some followers and more appreciation for the amazing job and work they do! So GO FOLLOW THOMAS BACHMANN!!!!

*****All the artwork belongs to Thomas Bachmann!!!! There are links in blue which will direct you to the originals.**********

If you want to use some of the Thomas Bachmann's Photographs, please contact him through his blog, not to mention he very much deserves loads of followers... so go follow him here.

Monday, March 17, 2014

♦ Art Appreciation Monday! ♦

Since last Monday, I have had the amazing opportunity to speak to an artist who I have adored because of her amazing comics, hilarious story-line and brilliant artistic abilities, I present to you....from Deviant Art....*Drumroll* VanHinck!

VanHinck's favorite art choice was Test Flight

I have to agree, VanHinck's skills of drawing a character in motion are chiefly and beautifully put to show here, in this astounding display of agility of the pen and the agility of the motion on the page!

Ariana: What's your name outside Deviant Art?
Clare: My name's Clare, despite the fact that my dA page says Sebastian (long story!)

Ariana: Are you human/boy/girl?
Clare: I am a girl, and have been reliably informed that I am human

Ariana: What Country/Planet/State are you from?
Clare: I'm from England, but now I live in Scotland

Ariana: Do you have brothers/sisters/only child?
Clare: I have one older brother, there's a sketch of him somewhere in the depths of my gallery

Ariana: Do you have any pets?
Clare: Sadly, I don't have any pets with me now- I used to keep rats, but I'm in a no-pets flat. But there's still the family cat back home

Ariana: Birthday?
Clare: Fifth of July... a few years ago. Let's just say I remember the 90's quite well.

One of my many favourites of  VanHinck's work is her Loki Dr. Selvig comics, this one in particular Loki and Selvig Coffee

 This just begins the series perfectly, Loki is portrayed perfectly by VanHinck, his facial expressions are always perfect, and he's always so innocently snide! Not only is the animation burdened with glorious purpose- the artist is too! 

Ariana: What inspires you most to paint/draw?
Clare: Mainly stories- myths and legends, of course, but various writers, like Douglas Adams and Terry Pratchett-their slightly tongue in cheek take on fantasy and supernatural tropes. The important thing is to try and combine things from several areas you wouldn't normally stick together and see what you get!

Ariana: How do you cope with lack of inspiration?
Clare: I read the Internet, (which is very time consuming as someone keeps updating it); I doodle mindlessly until it turns into something, or I paint my nails in outlandish colours to try and get myself in the mood.

Ariana: Talking about munchies... do you have a favourite food/drink?
Clare: Chocolate orange muffins! Home made, of course :D
Also, tropical fruit juice, particularly pineapple and coconut.

Ariana: Do you have a favourite media to paint/draw with?
Clare: I'll try anything, really- but the two I feel most comfortable using are gouache paints, and watercolour ink. Unlike Indian ink, the watercolour ink can still be played around with a bit after it's on paper, so there's more control there. Gouache paints dry quickly, which I find makes it easier to do details over the top. I prefer traditional media to digital, but every so often, I have a go at computer based things again.

Ariana: What made you decide to draw a HUGE comic series like Dr. Selvig and Loki, that was a big undertaking, did you originally plan for it to be that long or did it sort of grow?
Clare: I definitely didn't plan for it to be that long! At first, all I wanted to do was write little one-shot bits about how Loki and Dr.Selvig would interact, playing on the science/mythology bits. That actually persisted for quite a few of the early pages- they're much more about getting to a punchline than continuing a story. Then a plot started to emerge, and I had an end-point in mind, so it picked up a bit more direction after that. But definitely a lot of it was writing on the fly!

Ariana: Your Loki and Dr. Selvig comics receive quite a bit of attention and appreciation, did you think it would be that popular, how do you feel about it's popularity?
Clare: I didn't really! Everyone was a bit Thor-happy at that stage, since the film was just out, but Dr.Selvig was a fairly minor character. Also it's more talking than action!
I'm fairly proud of it, to be honest- the fact that I managed to finish it at all. I'm also slightly embarrassed - there's quite a few pages I'd like to re-write or re-draw now, but that's an endless task.

Ariana: Do you have a favourite thing to paint, movies, people, animals, what is your favourite thing to paint/draw?
Clare: People, definitely. Getting the details of a character right, that's a lot of fun. And in general, I enjoy fantasy and superhero type things- because they're larger than life and very visually distinctive, it makes them easier to make the simplified cartoon stick figures I do. (It's also easier to find things to make fun of, but I do it out of love!)

Ariana: When did you decide you wanted be an artist?
Clare: Since I stopped doing art at school! I dropped it when I was about 14 to do other subjects, and then found I missed it so much I wanted to keep going. Also, my brother gave me a book about fantasy artists, which coincided with the Lord of the Rings movies, and that's what started me down the fantasy route.

Ariana: Do you have any interests outside of painting/drawing?
Clare: Music! I sing in a couple of choirs, and I need the radio on in the background when I'm working on anything, I don't like silence.

Ariana: How do you wind down after painting/drawing?
Clare: Music, food and bad TV detective dramas!

Ariana: What would your advice to other artists be?
Clare: It's hardly original, I know, but- try and draw something everyday. The practice starts to pay off very quickly, and you see how much your work is changing, and becoming much more recognisably your style. Even if I don't post it, I try and doodle something. (Also, it works the other way round too- if I don't do any drawing for a while, I can see how rusty I get!).

Name Sake is one of my absolute favourite stand alone comics from VanHinck

Just because it is perfect! There will never be a time when I don't laugh out loud while looking at this and there will never be a time when I don't love VanHinck as an artist! Just look at how she captures Loki's anger and annoyance in this strip! The colours are beautiful and her comics are always hilarious! :)

As always I must thank VanHinck so much for agreeing to be part of my "Art Appreciation Monday!"
It is so amazing to get to speak to different artists, from ones who I've been a fan of for a long time and for the artists who I've just become acquainted with! 

*****All the artwork belongs to VanHinck. There are links in blue which will direct you to the originals.**********

If you want to use some of the artist's artwork or written work, contact her through Deviant Art, not to mention she very much deserves loads of followers... so go follow her here.

Monday, March 10, 2014

♦ Art Appreciation Monday! ♦ - The Oscars!

I've showcased some great artists of late...some of them with the beautiful, powerful words, like Matt Nguyen, or beautiful digital art like sheWolf294, or traditional artwork like those of last Monday's Art Appreciation by  DansedesSonges...but there are artists in this world who do not show their artistic abilities through stroke of a brush, by the colouring of the
The Internet has allowed me to meet these people in another way outside of our living breathing universe, rather through the technological universe. I have spoken to artists from all over, and the Internet made this possible. You know the Internet is a wonderful, wonderful thing, it brings a boundless information to us...but with the goodness of the Internet, there is also bad. People can make friends with new people in different countries, through e-mail, Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter or even Deviant Art...but with these great and easy ways of communication, also comes a lot of horrible, rude, nasty comments- made by people who don't seem to think through what they say, before they say it. This isn't just about high school bullies, (so you know it isn't just you being bullied!) this is about people who can't see past their own self importance.

Today, I want to honour our celebrities, who "we" think have the life... but actually don't.
Many actors and actresses, are great artists, although they do not paint the scenery, or write the words...they bring reality to the fantasy- they help us visualise these stories.... things, people and places which we once saw only as words. As an author and avid reader, I have read many books which were lucky to be made into a live motion picture...we live in a world that is filled with wonderful technology, coloured tv, HD and 3D movies, and I believe that we've all gotten lazy and stopped appreciating all the people- all the work, and all the effort it takes to make these wonderful movies, so why do we abuse them? 
 Sometimes, I think people forget just how difficult acting is...
Jimmy Kimmel, recently began doing something he calls, "Celebrities Read Mean Tweets". At first I thought it was rather cruel, and mean- and for a little while I could have said something mean about Jimmy Kimmel, but I'm rather glad I didn't...because he wasn't being mean...he's trying to make us understand words do mean something, and have a lot more of an impact than we think they do. 

So Sunday during the Oscars, we had this humongous snowstorm and it kept making the electricity flicker...I was like, "STOP IT- Idina Menzel hasn't been on yet!!!!" 
Which is rather ironic, I waited to see her perform "Let it Go", and it was blizzarding outside. (I am aware blizzarding is not a word, but it sounds really cool!)
In case you don't know who Idina Menzel is, she is the lovely voice behind Queen Elsa from Disney's Frozen. :) As it was, I was sad because she had to sing it at a faster tempo then in the it was a little disappointing not getting to hear its original splendour. :(  Nevertheless, Idina Menzel has a gorgeous voice and she had a fantastic performance considering that it was live, and I must say  her dress was simply beautiful! :)

Although...I have to say, Sandra Bullock wins best dress...

Except that it needed a giant rhinestone on it! :)

Of course, my newest favourite actress, Lupita Nyong'o also had on a ravishing dress...

I loved her dress, except the top part...I wish it didn't plunge so... but all the same her dress was gorgeous!
Lupita Nyong'o knows how to dress! And she can certainly make a wonderful speech! ♥

I cannot understand why some people are so angry that Jennifer Lawrence didn't win the Oscar and are talking ill about Lupita Nyong'o. It's very sad, both she and Jennifer Lawrence are very talented women, and I think they're both great. Alas, I have not seen "American Hustle", which is what Jennifer Lawrence was nominated for, however, I have seen "12 Years A Slave", and Lupita's performance was brilliant! Her Oscar was very well deserved! It makes me terribly sad though, that people are willing to slam Lupita Nyong'o with ill wishes for winning. I don't personally know Jennifer Lawrence, but she does not strike me as someone who would approve of her fans speaking ill of another actress. I have seen where several people on the Internet were calling her foul, horrid names- names which she does not deserve. One person in particular said, "Nobodies don't deserve to win an Oscar!" 
Well, do you know something...nameless person on the Internet? 
Everyone starts out as a nobody sometime, and even when they start they aren't a nobody, they're a somebody. Lupita Nyong'o is a someone, just like I am, and my sister, and even you, even though you are a little- minded nameless person on the Internet. 
And because we are "someone", we have voices and we can aspire to do things in this world, and we must choose whether to do good things or bad things! It does not matter what our age or experience is! We can also make people feel good about themselves, by spreading a smile, hug or friendly "Hello", from one to another! We can make this world a truly wonderful place, if only we can stop the cruelness which our hearts shrink away from!
Is it your ambition in life to be an evil troll who likes to pull the rug of happiness out from other people's feet?
So why would you, or anyone, say something like that....or like this? 
Some people are saying Lupita Nyong'o, is ugly and undeserving, "very overrated she played in 1 big movie,just because her character's life was the hardest doesn't mean she deserves to win it doesn't take much talent to cry in a movie and get beaten Lupita will never land a role like this again she isn't that good of an actress she can play depressing characters which isn't that hard..."
It is because the people who say this are jealous and angry, and I have to say this to those of you who comment mean and hateful things like this, without thinking, about any person that has succeeded...this doesn't get you recognised...Jennifer Lawrence won't like you better because you slammed Lupita Nyong'o for winning...quite opposite actually... she won't. 
And by opening yourself up to hateful thoughts towards a woman who deserved her award and is an inspiration to other young women, encouraging them to dream and believe in themselves...then you're wrong...and in that sad, depressing state of mind you'll stay, and to what avail, that one day you can brag that you made an actress cry? Just because they're famous doesn't mean they don't have feelings. I'm not saying you aren't entitled to opinions, I'm simply stating that we shouldn't say mean things about others just for the attention it will get us. So, your mean tweet made it in a news article, whoop-dee-doo, I want to ask you, how would you feel if you won an award and someone said that to you? 

I hope with all my heart Lupita Nyong'o has the most successful career ever! 

As for me, I cannot wait to see Lupita's next big movie! Because I know she is one of those actresses who will achieve greatness, not only by her superb acting abilities, but also by her sweet nature and goodwill towards others. :) 

Congratulations to all the winners of the Oscars! 

So that is my post for this Art Appreciation Monday! If you know of an artist, musician, writer, dancer, actor or actress please let them know how much you appreciate their hard work and effort at making all of our lives just a little bit more beautiful, funny and entertaining!!

Monday, March 3, 2014

♦ Art Appreciation Monday! ♦

I'm so happy that Art Appreciation Monday is back this week! This week we have another special and talented guest....are you ready...*drum-roll* DansedesSonges from Deviant Art!

The wickedly talented DansedesSonges, dazzles her followers on Deviant art with classic artwork, ranging from fan art to creations of her imagination, there is so much to marvel at in her traditional artwork!

 This is another show I have been recommended to watch, Hannibal, which sounds fantastic!
This is Mads Mikkelsen who plays Dr. Hannibal Lecter in the series Hannibal. :) DansedesSonges, does excellent work with her shading... simply using graphite! I hope the actor Mads Mikkelsen sees this picture, because it is amazing! I think he would be truly flattered and the artist deserves that recognition! :)

Ariana: What's your name outside Deviant Art?
Danse des Songes: I keep that to myself! I work under the pseudonym, Danse des Songes (Dance of dreams). This pseudonym was created from the initials of my real name. Because my dreams play a dominating role in my creations.

Ariana: Are you human/boy/girl?
Danse des Songes: I'm a girl.

Ariana: What Country/Planet/State are you from?
Danse des Songes: I live in Ardèche, in France.

Ariana: Do you have brothers/sisters/only child?
Danse des Songes: I have a brother.

Ariana: Do you have any pets?

Danse des Songes: No, but I would like very much to have a cat soon. I like animals a lot, and put a lot more and more into the associations of animal protection.

Ariana: Birthday?
Danse des Songes: 25, March.

One of my many favourites by DansedesSonges, is her

 Leopard is in coloured pencils, and why am I the first to say this, "WOW!". 
I love the details that DansedesSonges, puts in her pictures. When you look at this picture, you first think- "ah, what a beautiful picture..." then you realise, oh wait, that's actually a drawing! 

I have always been amazed whenever I find an artist or photographer who is just astoundingly amazing, and they haven't got a huge fan-base. 

Ariana: What inspires you most to paint/draw?
Danse des Songes: Dreams, nature, animals, literature... My sources of inspiration are numerous... But, since September, I decided to take back my bases and to work the techniques in drawing and paint. Thus, at present, I realize especially exercises of training.

Ariana: How do you cope with lack of inspiration?
Danse des Songes: I take a break, I go outside and sometimes make meditation.

Ariana: Do you have a favourite media to paint/draw with?
Danse des Songes: Acrylic and graphite.

Ariana: Do you have a favourite thing to paint, movies, people, animals, what is your favourite thing to paint/draw?
Danse des Songes: Because I work the technique, I try to draw different things, actors of series, animals, landscapes...

Ariana: When did you decide you wanted be an artist?
Danse des Songes: I have been chained to a diverse job, so it's not always easy. So I finally decided to be myself and work doing what I like, I have worked with my passion the last year.

Ariana: Do you have any interests outside of painting/drawing?
Danse des Songes:  Music (metal, classical music, Indus...), the series, movies especially horror and fantasy, literature, and poetry...

Ariana: How do you wind down after painting/drawing?
Danse des Songes: I watch a series, or I listen to music...

Ariana: Do you have a favourite food/drink?
Danse des Songes: I like chocolate, and sushi... I like the good dishes and the desserts!

Ariana: What would your advice to other artists be?
Danse des Songes: To remain humble, for them to always be sincere in their art. And especially persevere, keep enthusiasm.

Once again, DansedesSonges has worked her magic on yet another masterpiece. It is so cool to look at this picture, with all the grey tones and how the blue eye of the Husky just pops out at you. It's such a beautiful picture, so artistic and celestial. And what makes it even more amazing is that, DansedesSonges does it in coloured pencils!

The next gorgeous piece is called

I love how DansedesSonges, kept her colours to light blue and grey hues which give the picture an almost ghost-like appearance. It is surreal and, for some reason it makes me think of the night she is looking up into the pure beauty of the moon. DansedesSonges, painted this picture with acrylics and I will just say this picture takes my breath away with it's brilliance! 

If you liked this artwork, DansedesSonges has more on her Deviant Art page here.
She has lots more artwork and it is sure to please anyone who is in need of some inspiration! 

As always, I'm so very happy that DansedesSonges agreed to be a part of my "Art Appreciation Monday"! It is so brilliant to speak to so many different people and learn new things and how they handle situations in different ways, is always so interesting! :) Thank you!

*****All the artwork belongs to DansedesSonges. There are links in blue which will direct you to the originals.**********



If you want to use some of the artist's artwork or written work, 
contact her through Deviant Art, here.