Monday, March 31, 2014

♦ Art Appreciation Monday ♦

Welcome to another Art Appreciation Monday! 
Very sorry there was no Art Appreciation Monday last Monday...I was not at home... :\

Anyway, I would like to introduce our first photographer, not only is he amazingly talented with a good eye for astounding pictures, he is also a wonderful person and a good friend of mine.

Introducing...****Drum-roll!!!!!****Thomas Bachmann of Kid with a Camera!!!!!!

A personal favourite of mine by Thomas, is Day 350 which is appropriately named: Reflections

In Thomas Bachmann's "Reflections", you can see so much of the serene beauty of Switzerland, with the blue hues of the majestic mountains in the background, and the light pinks and white in the sky, all reflected in the mirror of the water, it makes a truly delightful picture. Almost makes you mournful that you aren't in Switzerland.

Ariana: What's your name? 
Thomas: Thomas Bachamnn

Ariana: Are you human/boy/girl?
Thomas:  Boy.

Ariana: What Country/Planet/State are you from? 
Thomas: Switzerland, Earth, and Zürich

Ariana: Do you have brothers/sisters/only child?
Thomas: Three brothers and one sister....I'm the youngest!

Ariana: Do you have any pets?
Thomas: A pony and an Appenzeler dog! 

Ariana: Birthday? 
Thomas: 5.8.-- For Americans it would be the 8/5/--

I asked Thomas Bachmann for some of his favourite pictures and one of his favourites was 
Day 363 it is easy to see why!

With this picture, although it is bare and beautiful, the simplicity makes a beautiful statement. Thomas can capture pictures which can breath fresh life into that which has long since faded, and somehow he can capture the beautiful essence of bleakness and the passage of time.

Ariana: What inspires you most to take pictures?
Thomas:  Sunlight and good weather!  

Ariana: What kind of Camera do you use?
Thomas: I use a Nikon J3 with 2 different lenses, one for normal shots and another for macro or long distances.

Ariana: How do you feel now that you've accomplished a blog with 365 pictures? That is absolutely incredible! (View last year's Kid with a Camera blog)
Thomas: I'm amazed myself that I actually did the whole thing, I've heard of plenty of people who have tried but not carried through.

Ariana: What do you most want to take a picture of?
Thomas: The valleys and lakes in Norway or Sweden.

Ariana: How do you cope with lack of inspiration? (Coffee, caffeine pellets, candy, music...etc.) 
Thomas: Definitely candy, if I have some.

Ariana: Talking about munchies... do you have a favourite food/drink? 
Thomas: It's a Swiss drink that you have probably never heard of, Rivella.

Ariana: Do you have a favourite thing to photograph, landscape, portrait, etc? 
Thomas: Overall landscapes, but I do get pictures of my brother for his book, but landscapes don't talk back.

(Small note: Thomas Bachmann's brother is Stefan Bachmann author of The Peculiar, oftentimes you can see glimpses of the Peculiar in Thomas's work, you just have to be persistent and visit his blog...EVERYDAY!) 

Ariana: When did you decide you wanted to be a photographer?   
Thomas: About a year ago.

Ariana: Do you have any interests outside of photography?               
Thomas: The mains ones are Legos, archery, and airsoft.

Ariana: How do you wind down after taking some of those breathtaking pictures?
Thomas: I wind down while I get the pictures, it's rather relaxing for me.

Ariana: What would your advice to other artists/photographers be?
 Thomas: Keep moving forward and experientia docet (experience is the best teacher)! 

Another thing about Thomas Bachmann is his ability to capture surreal pictures that don't look real.
For example- Day 333

Just look at how blue the sky is above the mountains, and how the clouds are almost blended into the mountains like shadowy ghosts! 

This picture has been likened to something that looks like it's something from the BBC show Sherlock, prepare yourself for- Day 299

With the white colours and the brown of the birds and the trees, the picture at first is rather bleak and is void of colour. Nevertheless, it delivers to its audience a wonderful, breathtaking beauty. It will surely glide into someone's heart. :) 

As always I must thank Thomas Bachmann so very, very much for agreeing to be part of my "Art Appreciation Monday!"
I am so amazed that so many artists have agreed to allow me to post some of their great artwork, photographs and written work on my blog, I hope to give them some followers and more appreciation for the amazing job and work they do! So GO FOLLOW THOMAS BACHMANN!!!!

*****All the artwork belongs to Thomas Bachmann!!!! There are links in blue which will direct you to the originals.**********

If you want to use some of the Thomas Bachmann's Photographs, please contact him through his blog, not to mention he very much deserves loads of followers... so go follow him here.

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