Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The inventor of clockwork birds...and all that is Peculiar!

Stefan Bachmann- Style Chibi

So, one day whilst I was exceedingly bored, I began to doodle little Chibi people.
Chibi drawings are a very popular and has become a rather large fad, and I can see why, they make everyone and everything adorable!

*The actual term used for this style is referred to as SD which means Super Deformed, it is a specific style in which Japanese characters are drawn in an exaggerated way, stumpy limbs, sometimes no noses, round faces, often making a chibi person look young and childlike. This style forms an integral part of what Japanese and American anime fans refer to as Chibi.

My doodles, soon became people I knew well, like actors, and fictional book characters. It was only when I was attempting (without succeeding) to draw my orchestra members Chibi style, that I became aware of the fact one of my friends looked familiar...but not like someone I knew very well....
I couldn't put my finger on it, but the Chibi looked really, really familiar!

Then I saw a book on my shelf, titled "The Peculiar" I realized quite suddenly my little Chibi looked like none other than Stefan Bachmann!

Instantly I knew I had to draw a better Chibi of him! I put my orchestra picture aside, and set to work.
When I finished I was SO Happy! I was so awestruck with the sheer adorableness of the picture, for the rest of the evening I was filled with great ego.

The original picture before I added colour to it.

Before I go, I will say I did ask Stefan Bachmann's permission before I posted this on here. 
(Thank you Stefan!)

Stefan Bachmann is an excellent writer and has a wonderful personality, and if you haven't read his book you absolutely need to go and get a copy of The Peculiar now, because it is an excellent book! 
His sense of humour in The Peculiar is triumphant, with a strange new twist on fantasy, not to mention the amazing inventions, and you'll certainly be clutching the edge of your seat as you are transported into his brilliant masterpiece!

Stefan Bachmann also has a blog, which you may visit here:

You can also 'Like' The Peculiar's fan-made Facebook page here:

We all now await the next book by Stefan Bachmann, The Whatnot which is coming out later this year! Yay!! :)

 Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Evening, and Good Night! 

*Thank you Wikipedia! 

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